Microsoft word hyperlinks not working
Microsoft word hyperlinks not working

microsoft word hyperlinks not working

But accessible external hyperlinks outside the document (URLs and email links) work.Īnd please up-vote this bug at that webpage in order to get it fixed by Adobe.Accessible internal hyperlinks within the document lack the tag.I have references to figures and tables completely working, but references to sections dont work. Traditional external hyperlinks outside the document work I need to have hyperlinks active (References to sections, figures, etc.) I use Export - Create a PDF/XPS Document and Optimized for Standard.Traditional internal hyperlinks within the document (such as TOCs and cross-references) no longer work.However, when I forced an update of my Word365 to 2109 14430.20270, the version you originally cited, the error now pops up: I'm on the same version, but using an individual license, not enterprise, and didn't find the error you had in our testing (my firm does forensics on accessible PDFs).

microsoft word hyperlinks not working

, that's interesting that rolling back to Word version 6.20404 corrected the problem.

Microsoft word hyperlinks not working